Friday, April 6, 2018

I JUST KNEW ! Part 34

In next half an hour Sanskar got mango juice for my mom and helped mom buy Saree, Ofcourse his selection were good, but the thing annoyed me more was they both were talking to each other and ignoring my opinions. Once mumma’s shopping was done She said “Alright Sanskar, thank you It was great to have you along ” and she turned to me and said “Shall we leave?” and started walking. I stood and looked at sanskar who was smiling, and made a sad face and walked behind.

Mom said “Dad just called and asked when we’ll be joining him we can have lunch along he is in Utsav the restaurant near by ”  I looked at my watch and then at my mom “Mumma my Purpose was to buy something for Papa, and ..” she said “For his birthday?” I said “Yes !!” and she asked “Are you sure, I thought you only came to meet Sanskar here.”

We both stopped teraflops of thoughts started in my head did sanskar tell her,something how can he, how did she , oh she is very angry with me, I am so sorry ma  and I said “I am sorry mom.. I couldn’t tell you …. I was confused how to put forward thing to you, I dint knew when I started having feelings for him .. I … but I did came to buy something for papa, I just asked him to join..” Mom expressions changed from being serious now she was smiling and said “Does he know you like him?” and I blinked in shock, she continued “I saw him last night in the car while he dropped you, look shreya I believe my daughter’s word it’s just that I wanted you to be true to me nothing apart from that” and I said “There is nothing serious between us, we just are friends… nothing more as of now” she showed me her palm and said “you just said you like him, you have feelings for him?” I gulped “I am leaving with your dad, for lunch you can go and buy his the gift with sanskar who is still standing and I guess waiting for someone ” said my mom pointing towards him.

Mom turned and was about to leave I said “Mom Please don’t tell anything to dad”  making a puppy face “You are going to detail me everything, and that puppy face don’t work with me ” I nodded. She left dad was at the entrance “Aren’t you coming doll” and mom answered my behalf “Her friend is here, they may have lunch later.” And they both waved bye to me.

My phone beeped while I was standing at the entrance….
Sanskar : I am still near the elevator, Have you left?
Me : I hate you !
Sanskar : Seriously J
Me : wait I am coming
Sanskar : Naa, lets go to Nike’s Showroom
Me : Ok, I have got my bike you get your car. I will follow you.
( I texted moving towards the parking)
Sanskar : Well lets go on your bike, or my bike – Save petrol
Me : ?
Sankar : I am behind you.

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